The doctors office i was commissioned to paint the series of dog portraits asked me to do 10 miniature paintings in keeping with the dog theme. This particular practice is pediatrics so tried to make these fun for the kiddos!
If i had to pick a fav out of these i woukd have to say top right the chicken being chased by a dog.
Once we were "farmers" (not) we had two dogs and chickens. One of the dogs was very watchful and protective of her chickens however the other one a young male not so much. He was young, full of energy and always ready for the thrill of the chase. Until we came home one afternoon to find he had not only been chasing the chickens but this time he caught them.... It was like a scene fron The Birds, feathers and...well i'll keep it G rated were all over the yard. Needless to ssy it was the end of my chicken farming days and that dang dog... Well i found him a new home. 😉
